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Really enjoyed this video because it helped create a new note-taking technique that I will be using for a long time. I applied some of the concepts shown in the video. I will try to make the important notes stand out to help identify them when looking back.

This video was very informative about the SHPE program. It stands for the Society of Hispanic Professional Engineers. This isn't only for Hispanics it's also for other minorities. It helps them gain connections and the opportunity to gather new knowledge about engineering.

This video talks about an important competition in the robotics world called FRC. FRC stands for First Robotics Competition. This competition brings every robotics team in the are to compete in challenges. The challenges vary from year to year. You must build your own robot to compete

This video talks about space exploration specifically the Space Hubble Telescope. The Space Hubble Telescope has helped identify things we've never seen before. It can see things many light years away making it one of the many great inventions dedicated towards space exploration.

This video gives us the basics of aquaponics. Aquaponics is a cycle in which fish and plants help each other survive. The fish give the plants their nutrients and the plants give the fish substances in order to survive. It's a pretty cool cycle.

This video gives us many helpful tips on how to present. One of the many great tips that they give is having a basic knowledge of what you're presenting. This sounds obvious but it's best if you give a short and informative presentation instead of a long presentation in order to keep the viewer entertained.

In this video it tells us how orange juice is made. This video gives us a better understanding on how things are produced so fast in factories. Mass production has really taken over the industry because it's beneficial for the consumer and the producers.

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